What Types of Equipment We Use

We offer a full line of medical care equipment at all Special Events, all of which will ensure quick medical help as soon as an injury or illness occurs.

  • First Responder Golf Cart Ambulance (contracted as needed)
  • Ambulance (contracted through partnership)
  • Basic Life Support Equipment and staffed by at least one EMT
  • AED
  • Gauze Sponges
  • Adhesive Bandages
  • Backboard
  • Bag-Valve Mask
  • Blood Pressure Cuffs
  • Cervical Collar
  • Ace Wraps
  • Gauze Rolls
  • Oral Glucose (15 gram)
  • Instant Cold Packs
  • Manual Suction Device
  • Nasal Airways
  • Oral Airways
  • Oxygen Tank and Regulator
  • Pulse Oximeter
  • Medical Tape
  • Stethoscope
  • Tourniquet
  • Triangular Slings
  • iGel recue airways
  • Oral over the counter medications, such as Ibuprofen, Tylenol, Benedryl
  • Advanced Life Support and staffed by two people at least one being a ACLS trained Paramedic or Registered Nurse.
  • All Basic Life Support Services
  • Cardiac Monitors that are capable of Defib, Pacing and 12 lead
  • Endotracheal intubation
  • Advanced life support pharmaceuticals, including IV dextrose, Epinepherine, Narcan, Benedryl, Atropine, Albuterol, Zofran, and more
  • Intravenous Fluid Therapy

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