Safety Hazards in the Industrial and Manufacturing Settings
The industrial and manufacturing sectors have many safety hazards in the workplace on a daily basis. Some of the more common hazards are chemicals, falls, heavy machinery, fire and confined spaces. Hiring medical staffing is necessary for these workplaces to keep all of the employees safe and to mitigate any injuries possible that are sure to happen at some point.
Duties of Medical Staffing
The medical staff on board at industrial and manufacturing businesses has several duties that they can perform quickly due to their diligent training. They can assess a person’s condition and determine the best course of treatment, provide first aid treatment and life support care for injured or sick employees. If the injuries are severe and it is determined that the patient needs to go to an emergency room, the medical staff members can safely transport them while caring for them. They can then transfer the patient to an emergency room department and report their observations and treatment to the healthcare facility employees.
Highly Trained Medical Staffing
Our medical staffing employees are highly trained and certified in programs that are recognized by the American Heart Association and the American Red Cross.
The First Aid Certification provides training for emergency situations including:
• Asthma emergencies
• Anaphylaxis
• Burns
• Choking
• Diabetic emergencies
• External bleeding
• Environmental emergencies
• Heart attack
• Poisoning
• Neck, spinal and head injuries
• Stroke
• Seizure
Stop the Bleed Training addresses persons who have a severe bleed from an accident. The treatment follows PEEP specifications. The patient should be Positioned on the floor sitting if possible. Expose and examine the wounds for embedded materials. Elevation of a limb above the heart and apply Pressure directly over the wound with gloved hands to slow the bleeding. These procedures can lessen the amount of blood a person loses in a serious accident and may even save their life.Religious beliefs shape people’s values and lifestyles.
Basic Life Support (BLS) training includes resuscitation, use of an Automatic External Defibrillator (AED), one and two rescuer CPR for adults, children and infants. It also covers bag mask techniques as well as rescue breathing and choking for all ages. In addition, training is provided for CPR with an advanced airway in place or a breathing tube.
Onsite medical staff has been proven to save businesses a considerable amount of money relating to worker illness and injury. If one employee is sick with an infection, it can infect more workers and trigger a chain reaction where multiple workers are all ill at once. Onsite medical staff can treat employees at the first sign of infection and save the company a considerable amount of money in downtime. If a worker has an accident and care is given onsite, it is shown through studies that they will have less downtime and heal quicker with a better overall recovery. You can trust our highly trained and certified medical staff with your employees health in any and all situations.